Pearl D'Silva celebrates the life of our rockstar, Usha Uthup.
What we see, hear, eat, and wear is ingrained in our mind. Gradually, it's hold becomes stronger, like a habit. Then we remember it just as we remember Newton's third law of motion.
One day, when we witness something different than what we are accustomed to see, hear, eat, and wear, we deny it wholeheartedly. If that what is different stands up with complete confidence, we begin to accept it. It takes courage to be different and stay different with confidence.
Usha Uthup is one such personality. She puts forth her voice, her dressing style with confidence and honesty. She sings with confidence, like a rockstar.
Vasundhara Arora's lively portrayal of Usha Uthup's character. Page-by-page you can hear Usha Uthup sing with the fragrance of her gajra. Vasundhara's style of illustration reflects in her colours and lines.