Little Cloud's Quest
Little Cloud's Quest
Little Cloud's Quest

Little Cloud's Quest

Regular price Rs. 195.00   Unit price per

Age: 4+
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Katha

Product Description:

Little Cloud has set out on a journey to find friends. Come, join her as she rides on wind high up in the sky and over distant lands. Meet her new friends, and discover amazing cloud facts!

“This book beautifully explains it all, through the story of lonely Little Cloudwho sets off in search of friends and meets Cirrus clouds, Cumulus clouds & the grey Cumulonimbus clouds that signify rain. A great way to teach geography and cloud formations.” — Young India Books

“Katha books are committed to opening innumerable beautiful vistas for young children through the world of books. ’Little Cloud’s Quest’ is another step towards that objective.” — The Literary Sojourn